
New North Terrace home for History Trust of South Australia

Today the History Trust of South Australia announced Security House L2, 233 North Terrace, Adelaide, as its new headquarters. It will occupy the entire second floor of Security House, appropriately located on Adelaide’s premier cultural boulevard, from April/May 2023.

After 18 years at the Torrens Parade Ground, the History Trust has temporarily relocated to level 12, 77 Grenfell Street, enabling the Department for Veteran Affairs, Returned Services League (RSL) South Australia, Vietnam Veterans Association, Air Force Association, and Legacy Club of South Australia and Broken Hill to achieve the vision of a “veteran’s hub” in the Drill Hall.

Elizabeth Ho OAM, Chair of Trustees at the History Trust of SA said ‘We are delighted to announce the relocation to Security House 233 North Terrace, a historically significant and prestigious central building on Adelaide’s premier cultural boulevard.

‘Our new home will underpin our intent to be the leading voice for making the legacy stories of South Australia relevant to all ages and accessible world-wide. We are grateful for the SA Government’s support to ensure that we can create the right physical and digital environment for this important history work into the future. This includes strong outreach to schools, major event development, a creative digital museum think-tank, and expert assistance to the history network across our State.’

‘The History Trust will offer a hub for the history community and fulfil our mission to give the past a future with many forward looking projects from Security House. Given our relationship with the Department for Education, our shared state collecting role with other North Terrace institutions, strong research links with all of our universities, and our UniSA education futures and public program partnerships, it is important to be within the city mile. Our new location will also mean that partners, members of the history network and volunteers will be able to meet, share and collaborate effectively with our History Trust team’, said Elizabeth.

Greg Mackie OAM, CEO of the History Trust of SA said, ‘We cannot wait to share our new home with South Australia’s extensive and dedicated history community. Being centrally located and easily accessible in a heritage building ticks all our boxes.’

‘Throughout our 41 years the History Trust of SA’s headquarters have been in significant historical buildings – our past locations have included the Institute Building, Old Treasury Building (now the Adina), Edmund Wright House and, for the past 18 years, the Drill Hall at Torrens Parade Ground. The difference now is that Security House on North Terrace will give us our first customised space and technology fit-out in our entire 41 years – and that is critical to our 21st century goals.‘

‘Working with the Department for Education and the Department for Infrastructure and Transport options for a permanent home for the History Trust were explored over the past year. We now have an assured home for several years in a location that reflects the important role that we play in the cultural life of this State.’

‘We have lease arrangements with renewal rights that mean we can look forward to occupying 233 North Terrace from February 2023 up to and beyond 2030. We sincerely thank the Department for Education and the Department for Infrastructure and Transport for the significant and diligent assistance we have received to achieve this move.’

‘We look forward to expanding our important state-wide work to support history needs and interests, including those of teachers and students, major urban museums, vital regional museums, history groups, and important state events such as the marvellous May History Festival and the beloved Bay to Birdwood,’ Greg said.

About Security House 233 North Terrace, Adelaide

Security House is a heritage building, close to the Central Business District, and in an accessible location along the cultural boulevard. It is close to other cultural collecting institutions of North Terrace and to university precincts. It is a short distance from the History Trust’s Migration Museum, and the Centre of Democracy, a History Trust gallery jointly presented with the State Library of South Australia.

Security House is an inter-war commercial palazzo style building with Art Deco elements. Built in 1926 and designed by Eric H McMichael the building has style and sophistication reminiscent of the era. Formerly known as Kelvin House it was for many years the home of the Electricity Trust of South Australia. The building was refurbished in 1964. Further redevelopments were undertaken in 1980 with service and fire upgrades, along with a redesign of office layouts that have largely been retained.

Other occupants and owners of 233 North Terrace include Australian Fashion Labels.

The History Trust relocation is planned for April/May 2023.


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