Call for papers: A State of Change

The History Trust of South Australia and its partners the University of Adelaide, the State Library of South Australia and Wakefield Press invites proposals for sessions at A State of Change: two days of learning, sharing and connecting history to be presented in the Adelaide CBD and livestreamed to conference hubs across regional South Australia.
We invite proposals for presentations responding to the theme A State of Change, imagining possible futures for history in South Australia.
Closing date for proposals is Sunday 12 September 2021.
Download the Call for Papers (PDF)
We hope to attract a wide range of cross-disciplinary delegates: professional, academic, community and family historians; museum and library professionals; students and educators; and people passionate about their industries, their places and their history. It may be possible to pre-record your presentation to be screened during the event.
Subject to interest, we are keen to include presentations (up to 30 minutes in duration) for the symposium in a range of formats that encourage participation and discussion. Pre-recorded presentations can also be submitted. Your proposal might be:
A panel debate
A facilitator moderating a discussion with two or more speakers about a topic.
An ‘in conversation’
Two or more speakers come together to discuss a common idea or a theme.
6-minute HistoryX Talk
This format will suit dynamic communicators and undergraduate and postgraduate students wanting to share their research. (Think TedX talks)
Film or performance
Present a film or do a performance on your topic.
A paper with questions
Generally 20 minutes with 10 minutes for questions.
Hands-on workshop
Develop an interactive workshop for participants.
Other formats
Suggestions for other formats are welcome
Please note: Both days will be live streamed and some pre-recorded content may be published asynchronously. You will need to give your consent for your presentation to be recorded.
Proposals must include
A concise name for your presentation.
Outline of the format and content
What will people who come to this session learn or experience? Who should come to this session and why? This can be up to 200 words.
Brief biography of presenter/s
This can be up to 100 words.
Contact details
Provide your name, email address and phone number.
Workshop applications
For workshops, please provide what participants will get out of this and how your workshop relates to the theme etc.
Key dates
Submissions open Monday 23 August 2021
Submissions close Sunday 12 September 2021
Notified of acceptance Friday 24 September 2021
Conference registrations open end September 2021
Date of presentation 19 – 20 November 2021
Please submit proposals here
Further details and enquiries
The History Trust of South Australia
Telephone: 08 8203 9888