**PLEASE NOTE – MAKING HISTORY 2018 IS NOW FULLY BOOKED. Please email makinghistory@www.history.sa.gov.au or call 08 8203 9888 to join our waiting list.**
Join us in Adelaide for an exciting two and a half days of participatory workshops and activities, when we will dive deep into museums, history and audiences. Our theme for the event will be South Australia’s history, and together we will explore innovative ways to share and interpret these stories.
Making History 2018 will be a stimulating weekend, in which people are encouraged to immerse themselves in the task at hand, exploring different ways of presenting history and museums. Participants might find themselves planning a new pop-up display, developing an education resource, designing a digital program or project, creating an event plan, designing a tour, or something else again.
Participants will work in teams to discover new ways of doing history, using local resources as inspiration. Teams will have expert mentors to help them on their mission. You will have time to learn and practice new skills, new ways of doing things, and have plenty of opportunities to meet people in the statewide history network.
We are looking for anyone with a passion for history, collections, museums or their community. We welcome people with all types and levels of experience, including volunteers and students in all areas.
WHAT: A two and a half-day event that is part workshop, part hands-on doing, part networking, part professional development, all fun.
WHEN: 1pm Friday 2 November – 4pm Sunday 4 November.
*Please note – times below may change.
Friday 1.30-5.30pm
Saturday 9.30am-4.30pm
Sunday 10am-4pm
WHERE: History Trust of South Australia, Torrens Parade Ground, Victoria Drive, Adelaide
WHO: People who want to make positive change in their communities. Making History 2018: Reimagining the Museum will use history and museums as it its platform, but it is not just for historians and museum workers.
WHY: To learn and practice new ways of creating and telling stories, and to build community. And of course to be inspired and to have fun.
COST: (includes Friday night drink, morning and afternoon teas – BYO lunch or purchase in town)
– Early bird waged: $100
– Early bird unwaged: $90
Early bird rate closes Tuesday 2 October 2018
Please note: places are limited.
For further information, please contact:
Britt Burton – bburton@www.history.sa.gov.au or 8203 9888
Allison Russell – arussell@www.history.sa.gov.au