
South Australia’s State History Conference rescheduled to May 2022

With many delegates still hesitant about gathering in person, the History Trust of South Australia with the support of our speakers have decided to reschedule the State History Conference to May 2022 and establish this as the closing event of next year’s South Australia’s History Festival.

The new dates for the State History Conference are 27-28 May 2022.

Our conference registrations to date showed that our audience – for many reasons – are still not comfortable with large in-person gatherings and that the preference is for online attendance, accounting for more than 2/3rds of our registrations.

We believe there are a number of reasons for this, including but not limited to the ongoing hesitancy around COVID and gatherings. We don’t believe this will remain a deterrent for much longer; our state’s vaccination rates are improving daily and we are confident that all members of the public will be eager to gather soon.

We made this decision to reschedule in close consultation with our partners, speakers and panelists. Many of them were excited about incorporating the conference into the History Festival’s line up of events; for many it is the perfect culmination to a month-long celebration of history, and we hope you agree.

We made the decision to reschedule rather than deliver a fully online event because the vision for the conference was about connecting with peers and colleagues and an online-only event will not achieve that vision.

We have developed a fantastic program. We are incredibly proud of the depth of presentations, the calibre of speakers and diversity of voices to be presented, and the exceptional program with speakers, workshops and presentations that span all facets of history.

We hope that you will join us next year – in person or online – as we deliver an exceptional program as the perfect culmination to South Australia’s History Festival.

See you in 2022!

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